Loughridge Farm


What We Offer

Loughridge Farm offers the following products at either Wholesale, Retail or both.

 •FILBERTS (Hazelnuts) – Retail Only

•Walnuts – Retail Only

•Honey – Retail Only

•Elephant Garlic – Wholesale & Retail

•Italian Garlic – Wholesale & Retail

•Shallots – Retail Only

Our products change within the season. Garlic-Elephant and Italian- and the braids will be available when we open and Shallots will follow, with Honey and nuts closer to Mid November.

We crack the nuts we sell on the farm, free of charge, to our customers.

Filberts – variety Jefferson, keep up to a year in the shell.

Walnuts – variety Howards, large in size, mild flavor keep 4 months, can also be frozen to last longer.

Elephant and Italian Garlic -Retail and wholesale prices

Varieties of Italian Garlic:

Soft Neck: Italian Late (also available in braids) A great traditional garlic flavor, keeps 6-9 months

Hard Neck: Chesnook – Nice strong consistent flavor, great for baking, keeps 6 months.Deerfield – 5 star flavor, starts out mild and finishes with the fervor of spice. (Builds in flavor) Great in fresh salsa, 6-month keeper.Dujanski – A burst of fiery flavor that mellows out with a pleasant after-taste. Seems to keep longer 6-8 months.

Shallots: Variety; – Ambition, good keeper great flavor (cross between onion and garlic.)

Honey: Varieties; Wildflower, Clover, local Raw Honey.